The greatest mark of a leader is to be a good follower.
When we push to lead and are solely focused on our agenda, we lose our credibility as a leader.
Trust and integrity is the foundation in which we build upon.
Our number one goal can’t be to be seen and heard. It must be to serve. We need to remember that our purpose is to serve our pastor’s vision and the people of our church. I think many people can become consumed with platform and opportunity, making their dreams happen or achieving their goals, because they have a certain picture in their mind of how they see their life or “their ministry” being. If not kept in check, platform ministry becomes (in my opinion one of the things I’ve seen that makes me grieve the most) a means to an end, a stepping stone. Making connections becomes more important than being connected. It becomes simply about searching for opportunities to get ahead. It is not wrong to have goals or dreams, we must have vision for our lives, but when accomplishing our goals takes priority over serving the house, then our waters can become polluted… our motives impure. If our agenda is our sole focus, we’ve missed it. Purity of our hands, heart and mind are a weapon that I feel we have as leaders that can’t be emphasized enough.
Psalm 24:3-4 (NKJV)
3 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart…
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