Busy to me has become the new four letter word. I just hate it. Especially if you are in full-time ministry or involved in ministry via volunteering, busyness can become your way of life all too quickly. Even more so, the pressure to be busy can become an obstacle as well. Below are just a few things I have observed that can maybe help set some of us free from the bondage of busyness, because God never called us to be busy, He called us to be fruitful.
1. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Everyone has a different leadership capacity and capacity in general. We all have limits, whether you choose to recognize them or not. Everyone has different giftings, different roles they play, different contributions they make and not one is better or superior than the other. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of believing you have to do what others do and schedule what others schedule to be successful and fruitful at the calling/place/position God has for you.
2. Don’t make others suffer.
People that refuse to recognize their capacities usually make other people suffer for their lack of boundaries. We have to remember that our schedules don’t just affect ourselves, they impact our spouse, our family, our friends and even our co-workers. The more unhealthy we get, the less like Jesus we get, because we begin to work out of our flesh rather than our spirit. Running on empty becomes a hinderance to us displaying the fruits of the Spirit in our lives and usually results in us living on the edge. If you live on the edge, there’s always going to be something that the devil will use to push you over the edge. How you take care of yourself or don’t take care of yourself affects every area of your life. Don’t let the feeling of loving to be needed overshadow the God-given command of observing the Sabbath and living a life of health and balance.
3. Enjoy your journey.
God wants us to live an abundant life where we are not just focused so much on the achieving or arrival at the destination that we do not enjoy our journey. We need to learn it is ok to say NO. Going back to the idea of capacity, you know what schedule is best for you and your family in order to be fruitful, but live in the rest of God and enjoy your journey. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than for not being as busy or booked, because it doesn’t necessarily mean you are more fruitful or impactful. I’ll leave you with this quote from Socrates, “Beware of the barrenness of a busy life.”
Great reminders, and well said, Elise.
Yes, we all get to that place/live at that place… life on the edge of the pit of “busyness”. That pit is where loneliness, illness, despair, and so many other maladies can reside. We need to avoid it at all costs since our lives are SUPPOSED to reflect Jesus!
You’re doing a great job at keeping that balance.