In light of the recent happenings in our country, I desire to not debate or address the actual events but rather emphasize how important it is as a pastor/leader to be educated in the Word and current culture of society. To give some context or qualify myself per say before you form your opinion, I will tell you that I was Catholic born, raised in an Assembly of God church, educated at a fairly liberal Nazarene college and am now immersed in an eclectic city culture. Honestly, I’ve pretty much heard, seen and read most all perspectives. At this point, really nothing can surprise me.
However, one observation that has concerned me lately is noticing how many Christians are either completely unaware of the current events in the world or completely indifferent to them. Even worse, the Christians that are aware or passionate about keeping the blessing and covering of our nation and our society aligned with the principles of the Biblical foundation it was founded upon, are marked as haters or closed-minded. I do agree that many Christians that have good intentions are displaying their passion for Biblical truth in the wrong way, but I also feel it is equal a crime for Christians not to speak up at all.
Our number one job as Christians is to love. One definition of love is doing what is in the best interest of a person because you care for them and this leads many of times to speaking truth, truth in love. Another job we have as Christians is to be always dedicated to truth, the truth of God’s word. However, the delivery of truth should always be wrapped in love, grace and compassion. I’ve heard it said, “Truth without grace is surgery without anesthesia. Grace without truth is a bottle with no medicine in it. Only grace and truth together can help people.”
Thinking back to my time at university, I was bombarded with dozens of ways to view life, culture, politics, ethics, etc. We were taught to challenge history, scripture and tradition. I found many of my classmates seemingly begin to value and pursue human intellect and knowledge rather than God’s presence and His Word. I watched as people questioned every aspect of their beliefs and searched to define “their own” definition of life and what they thought was freedom.
What I have found in my personal journey is that true freedom has already been defined for me, in the pages, principles and precepts of the Word of God. I’ve realized for many of my friends, and for the people I come in contact with on a daily basis, and even on social media, that people approach life and truth in two ways: either they believe in the infallibility of the Word of God, or they believe Scripture is up for human addition, subtraction and interpretation.
I’ve also heard it said, “If you are not rooted in the goodness of God, you will lower your theology to match your pain.” If I were to choose the later path of interpreting Scripture, because of the circumstances and real struggles we deal with on a daily basis in this fallen world, it would be much easier to be influenced by what I see and hear, to then draw my own conclusions of Scripture to match the current issue or circumstance before me. However, in moments of temptation to do so for hopes of not receiving opposition, I have found the result to be more hurtful than helpful, less loving, less healing and less freeing.
Personally, I’ve decided I will put my faith, hope, trust and belief in the Word of God. I choose to define my life, perspective and opinions by the parameters of the Bible and believe as a human, I do not have the right to change or alter what the Scripture declares holy and unholy, pleasing and unpleasing to the Lord. In saying that, you too will have to decide how and what you want to define your life by. One thing I know to be true is culture will change, but my rootedness in His Word will not. When I honor God with my beliefs, views, words and actions and commit to the defense of the principles and precepts He has laid before me, I believe there is blessing, covering and peace like no other.
Awesome Elise! You go girl!