Recently, November 19th to be exact, I turned 24 years old. To most of you, I am a spring chicken. To me, this meant I am now almost a quarter of a century old. With every birthday that passes, I am reminded of the question I often ask myself, “Am I doing/pursuing everything I’ve always wanted to do?” A better question might be, “What have I always wanted to do, but have not done because I’ve allowed fear to hold me back?” As I began to make my list, which to my surprise was longer than I had hoped or want to admit, I made up my mind that this year I am going to really make an effort to do the things that scare me, because as we all know… you only live once.
With that being said, one of my desires has always been to start a blog. Not a blog dedicated to what I eat for lunch or the products I choose to use for my daily hygiene, but a blog that can help equip young worship leaders as they pursue trying to lead a team of people and more importantly a church. This task can more often than not be an overwhelming juggling act. My desire is that by me sharing my story, my experience and my day-to-day planning and preparations, I can help others and maybe even save someone some time, which is one thing we all wish we could have more of.
So, it is with great joy that I may now cross off the first thing from my list, which for my task-oriented, “Type A” personality is more of a joy than you know. I now challenge you to go do something that scares you. What is something that you’ve always had in your heart to do, but have allowed fear to hold you back? Because as you know… you only live once.
Great start, look forward to your blog and work at the church. Devin and the church have affected Stephanie and me more than any other church. . . Keep up the great work.
Thanks Jim for your kind words! We are so glad you are Stephanie are at Connect.