Make or Break

As leaders, learning to be flexible, respond well to change and transition smoothly is crucial for our success. I’ve learned; it really can make or break you. What sparked the reminder in me was recently, us having a couple transition out of our team to help launch another church plant. Times of transition can be initially difficult moments because you are having to readjust your systems, assure your team, and mourn the “loss” (I use quotations because part of empowering other leaders is raising them up to go out and minister other places. We must learn to keep an open hand, not a closed fist.) of good friends. However, I believe your outlook is everything.

Instead of simply looking at the “loss”, while you do need to make sure you are properly handling the transition with asking the right questions: What is the reason/motive? Did we do all we could do as a team/church to empower you? Is there anything you need from us to make this transition smoothly? etc., view the time of transition as a blessing. God has a perfect plan and place for everyone and that might not be on your team or at your church!

Take times of transition to:

1. Reiterate and communicate vision.

2. Assess the systems and processes you currently have in place and make any necessary edits and improvements.

3. Open the door to adding new people to your team that can bring fresh perspective, gifting, creativity, etc.

Doing those three things will help you grow as a leader and log good muscle memory for when other seasons of transition occur. Remember, God seesĀ the destinationĀ and knows who and what you need along the journey to get there.

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