Progress Report

As leaders, taking time to step back from the daily grind and routine of “doing” to access where and how your team is doing spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally is important. It is vital in order to create an overall healthy environment for growth and essential for the continuation of ministry that flourishes and reproduces well. I’m not just talking about taking a Sabbath, while yes that is extremely important, but I’m talking about an honest assessment of how each person on your team is doing head and heart wise, as well as observations of personal and platform development.

Even being only 9 months old, I recently felt that our team was hitting sort of a plateau on Sundays. Worship was still great and the Spirit was moving, however, there was just an underlying lull. So, my husband and I (drummer, band leader, etc.) sat down and had a long conversation about what we thought might be happening. Below are some of the questions we asked ourselves that really helped us to identify some possible barriers. They also shed light on the areas that needed attention and really challenged/prompted us to be/do better.

1. Are our volunteers/team members happy & do they enjoy being apart?
(Are we creating genuine community, transparency and accountability? Is there un underlying negative tone or unhealthy temperature present? Do we say “thank you” enough?)

2. Are there external circumstances that could be effecting our team members in a negative way (home, job, etc.) and how can we help?
(Are people growing weary in well-doing? Are there prideful or ungrateful attitudes rising and what might be contributing to it?)

3.  Are we assimilating new people to the team or are we declining and/or stagnant?
(Are we acquiring/making room for new perspectives, giftings, passions and areas of expertise that align with our Core Values and vision of the House?)

4. In what ways are we pouring into our team members spiritually?
(Are we praying for them? Are we cultivating a pursuit of Christ-likeness? Are we helping to facilitate a furthering of their knowledge of the Word?)

5. In what ways are we challenging our team members to grow in their giftings?
(Are we giving opportunity and empowering them? Are we providing continued education for their craft or area in which they serve?)

It is easy to get caught up in the check lists, meetings, set-list planning, Sunday services, rehearsals, small groups, etc. that you in a way become blind to the temperature and environment in which you are leading or serving. Taking a little time to press the reset button really can make all the difference.

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