Worship Drumming: The Warfare

We’ve talked through the idea of us as drummers being worship leaders, which includes us leading by example with the band in preparation and excellence, as well as leading spiritually with a pure heart and motive. Now, I would like to dive into the subject of spiritual warfare and unpack the why and the how.

As worshipers we are called to worship in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:23–24 says, “The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” This passage is so important as to why we worship in the Spirit and why we are called to spiritual warfare on the drums. John Piper writes in his book Desiring God, “True worship comes only from spirits made alive and sensitive by the quickening of the Spirit of God”. Unless we have made ourselves open to the Spirit of God moving in our hearts and have allowed him to change our hearts in a way in which we are sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, we cannot “do” spiritual warfare. This would definitely be the main criterion. Being able to be sensitive to the Spirit in worship allows you to open your heart and spirit to what the Lord in doing. With this sensitivity to the Spirit, our hearts can be ignited, energized and ready for spiritual warfare.

Why are we to do spiritual warfare? Because, there is always a battle going on. The word of God says in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. This passage makes it clear that the reason for spiritual warfare is as simple as the battle is taking place in the spiritual. If you want to impact your family, church, city, state and country, then begin focusing on warfare and watch the change take place. I truly believe there isn’t one thing more important than to pray and war on behalf of your family, church, community, etc. We must rise up with boldness and sensitivity to the Spirit and begin to pray and take back those things that the enemy is fighting to have or has taken captive.

My experience in spiritual warfare has never been about me, but rather about what the Spirit is leading me to do and who/what to pray for. Never allow your heart to be so hardened toward the leading of the Spirit, that you can no longer sense the leading. Be diligent in making sure there is nothing in your way from pressing into the presence of the Lord, whether that be pride, bitterness, compliancy, sin, etc. We all have a particular area we constantly need to keep in check.

The ability to enter into spiritual warfare with worship is a powerful tool to be able “get some things done” so to speak. As we begin to worship in spirit and in truth along with faith, there will be a fire that is life to your spirit, which will automatically cause an outpouring and overflow. A practical way to get this started is by asking the Holy Spirit to bring things to your mind that you can begin to pray for in worship. As you practice prayer and become more sensitive to leading of the spirit and learn to discern the voice of God, you will begin to engage in worship in a new way and fresh revelation will come as you go to deeper levels. I believe the worshiper that begins to realize the power they have in engaging into spiritual warfare during worship will gain territory and victory over the enemy like never before.

Recently, I came across an article talking about the scientific advances in the world of Quantum Physics. This article states that “with in recent years, the study of Quantum Physics has yielded a remarkable discovery – When music is played at a certain octave well above human hearing capability, music actually becomes light! Incredible as this may seem, it should come as no surprise to those who have experienced the persuasion of music, or to those who know the Scriptures: God is Light (1 John 1:5). God created music (James 1:1-7).” How encouraging! Let’s just think about that for a moment. This is the WHY of us doing spiritual warfare. This is our call. To play a sound, a song, a structure of chords and rhythms that are inspired from heaven to begin to shine light in the world around us. This light is bursting forth in the spiritual as we begin to worship and where there is light, darkness cannot dwell (John 3:20-21). Our job as worshipers in spiritual warfare it to call out those around us that are living in darkness and proclaim that their dry bones would come to life. What an incredible responsibility for us to proclaim truth to our neighbors, our cities and our nation and shine light.

As you begin to engage in the area of spiritual warfare in worship, you will begin to see incredible things happen around you. Can you imagine what your family, church, city, state or even country would look like if you stepped up and began to engage in the battle of the spiritual? It is time for the true worshipers to rise and worship the Father in spirit and truth, that you may walk in boldness and in confidence that you are proclaiming the name of Jesus not just in the physical, but you are proclaiming His name and shining powerful light in the spiritual that will defeat the enemy.

These are the reasons why I take worship and warfare very seriously. I have realized that the sounds I make on the drums are not just sounds to make music simply for music’s sake, but they are sounds from heaven that are touching the heart of man. Never take lightly your role in worship and what you are doing in the heavens when you create the sound that will help usher people into God’s presence.

I understand that becoming a worship/warfare drummer is seemingly the opposite of what the approach of drumming typically would be. I also know this is in fact a journey to find what it looks like for you and how you can cultivate this in your personal life and in your church. I hope this will begin to encourage fellow drummers of all walks of life and skill levels. Remember, when you focus on your heart and your ability to be led by the Spirit of God in worship, the talent and gifts will flow naturally out of that in a way that you couldn’t manufacture yourself. Continue to hunger for God to work on your heart and for God take you into deeper levels. Remember, just as the old song “From the Inside Out” by Hillsong says, “Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame,” knowing everything we do is for the Glory of God. I pray this too will be your heart and desire for the Kingdom of God, in which we wouldn’t focus on fame but rather our focus and desire would be for the Glory of God.

Keep worshipping. Keep warring. Keep pursuing. Keep drumming.

-Caleb Miller

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